Main image for post: Top tips For Looking After Your Car Battery This Winter

According to leading battery manufacturer Yuasa, nearly 20000 of us a year face a flat car battery on a cold winter’s morning. You can learn how to take care of your car’s battery with these top tips from

It is impossible to predict when your car battery will run out. However, there are a few things you can do to make sure you are doing all you can to avoid the risk of this happening.

Can cold weather mess with a car battery?

Yes, it can.

Your car’s battery creates a chemical reaction which produces a charge used to power the starter motor as well as other important things such as headlights.

Cold weather can slow down this chemical process within the car battery, which can reduce its ability to be able to hold the charge. However, this is primarily an issue for cars whose battery is three years or older, and doesn’t tend to happen in newer batteries.

How do I keep my car battery from dying in cold weather?

If you use your car on a daily basis, then you probably don’t need to worry too much about the battery dying in cold weather as the car’s alternator will make sure it is fully charged.

However, if your battery is on the older side – over three years old – then there are a few things you can do to avoid it dying:

  • Invest in a trickle charger. These useful devices, do what they sound like they do, by slowly charging the car battery making sure it is at its full capacity all Winter.
  • Keep the car covered when not in use. It is worth keeping the car out of the cold as much as you can, so if you have the luxury of having a garage don’t fill it with stuff, use it for its intended purpose – your car instead
  • Take all necessary precautions. Make sure you turn everything off, such as headlights and fan, before you leave the car. This will really help reduce the chances of returning to a flat battery

How to keep your car battery in good condition

Maintaining your car battery is important, as it needs a degree of care and attention to make sure it functions properly.

  • It is recommended that your change your car battery every four years to ensure your vehicle runs properly. There is nothing worse than losing power mid-journey or being on the last minute to get somewhere and the car won’t start, so don’t try and extend the life of your battery any longer than you should
  • Check the acid level of your battery every six months, and keep a close eye out for acid stratification. This occurs when batteries dwell at a charge below 80%, have shallow discharges or don’t ever receive a full charge. If your battery is stratified then the electrolytes will concentrate at the bottom and leave the top starved. You will be particularly at risk for this if your car is primarily driven short distances, and you use lots of power-draining accessories
  • Add water, carefully. If when you come to check the acid level of your battery you notice that the electrolytes are low – as the plates are exposed – then you can top them up carefully by using distilled water. Only fill the battery enough to cover the plates though – use a funnel or sports bottle to ensure you can control the flow. Once you have added water, charge the battery using a battery charger
  • For really comprehensive car battery maintenance you will want to conduct a battery load test, which should be completed by a registered mechanic. They will be able to service the battery to make sure it is charging properly, even in freezing cold weather.
  • Clean the battery regularly as dirt and debris can cause corrosion to occur on the metal. You can use a combination of baking soda and water applied with a wire brush to get rid of any crusty bits but make sure you wipe the battery down well afterwards, as any residue baking soda can also cause corrosion
  • Keep cables tied tightly to make sure everything is properly secure
  • If you leave your car too long without driving it, then your battery may start to drain down. This is why it is recommended that you drive your vehicle at least once every three days
  • As we have said above, cold weather can be bad for your battery, so make sure you do your best to keep it warm in the winter months.  You may want to invest in a battery or engine heater, as these can help you to stay up and running in the cold weather. They not only make it easier for you to start your car, but also help to minimise the power you are consuming
  • Be careful not to overcharge your battery – this can lead to damage. Make sure that if you are charging it, you check it every half an hour to see how it is progressing.


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